"I would like to thank WorkBC for everything." - Ms. Lopez

I was unemployed and was looking for a job since last 6 months. Last year, I finished my program as Health Care Assistant. I applied in several facilities but they did not hire me because I had no prior experience in taking care of people suffering from dementia. I was looking for help to prepare my resume in the library and they told me about WorkBC and the services they offer.
WorkBC Centre Newton was so helpful and made me attend workshops for basic computer skills, how to prepare resume. They also helped me with my training in First Aid. I was provided with gas and food vouchers along with free access to computer lab at the centre.
I am so happy to share that I have got a job with the help of WorkBC and I am going to start very soon.
I would like to say that I am very grateful for the help and support from all the staff at WorkBC Centre Newton, especially my Employment Counsellor Giuliana for her patience and sharing detailed information about all the programs. I would like to thank WorkBC for everything.