"I believe, that if we are determined and confident in reaching our employment goal with defined steps and actions, the outcome is always positive and satisfactory." - Amiri

I moved to Canada in January 2022 as Government Assisted Refugee from Afghanistan and was unemployed until July 2022. It took me 4 months to settle and I started my job search in May 2022. It took me nearly 3 months to get a job. Before moving to Canada, I had extensive experience as Social Worker. My goal was to achieve employment in the social sector, such as a Settlement worker, Community Support worker or a job related where I could utilize my previous work experience gained while working for not-for-profit agencies in Afghanistan.
But, lack of Canadian work experience, being new to the country, having no professional or social network, lack of job search skills were the barriers I faced during my job search. I was living within a very limited income just to cover the basic living expenses.
I learned about WorkBC employment services from friends while discussing my career transition possibilities and trying to explore finding a job matching my previous experience. My objective was to get help from WorkBC with my job search.
I registered myself with WorkBC Surrey Newton and met an Employment Counsellor during my first intake appointment. They thoroughly discussed my working experience and qualifications which helped in developing an employment goal with measurable actions to follow in order to reach the mutually defined goal.
I got guidance from my Employment Counselor on the career paths and job market with suitable opportunities. She shared information on relevant employers that had job opening in their respective companies. In addition, I received financial support for STOC - Occupational First Aid Level 1 training.
After three months of rigorous job search and multiple interviews, I received job offers from 3 community services organizations. I accepted a Case Management Support Specialist position with a local not-for-profit organization. In order to carve a sustainable career in community services, I am also pursuing Career Development Practitioner program at Douglas College.
WorkBC is a good source of support for people who are seeking employment. The process may take time depending how much the client is active in his/her job search but if the client is determined and follow the action plans constantly, definitely the outcome will be productive.
Being active in my job search and being in touch with my EC at WorkBC helped me expedite the job search and better utilize the existing resources available for seeking employment. I believe, that if we are determined and confident in reaching our employment goal with defined steps and actions, the outcome is always positive and satisfactory.